Shopify Development

Choosing the right Facebook Objective in 2020

Everybody arrives at the point when just boosting their posts is not enough and getting started with Facebook Business Manager becomes important.  It is the way to get maximum from your ads, get better ROI. Not surprisingly for a complex tool suite, the Business Manager Interface is complicated and setting up successful Ads can be difficult.

I’m preparing a series of articles where I will explain in detail how you can set up Facebook and Instagram Ads in Ads Manager.

This is the first topic where I will cover Facebook Objectives. Choosing the right objective is the first step for a successful Facebook Ad campaign.

I have noticed that many people immediately choose the Conversion Objective for their Facebook Campaign.  You would think it’s obvious because advertisers want more sales so they choose this objective.

Keep in mind,  Facebook uses people’s actions data to show your ad to users who most likely will take the action on your ad. So if you choose Conversion for a new brand that people haven’t heard about, it will be just a money waste. Users will click on your ad but will not make a purchase.  You need to prepare them, introduce your brand, earn the trust, show value and then convert into the sale.

Let’s learn which objective will deliver the best results and will work best for your goals.



Brand Awareness.
Use this objective to increase awareness of your brand/company/service. This objective works when you want to introduce your brand to your potential customers. Tell the story of your brand, what value it brings for people.
It is great to showcase your Facebook Page, Post, get more likes and followers.

Use this objective to show your ad to a maximum number of people in your targeted audience.  This Objective is great to reach a warm or highly targeted audience. In other words to reach as many as people as possible given specific conditions (location, interest, people who did business with you in the past, who interact with your page, etc.)
Interestingly, you can set up Frequency Capping, which means the number of days before Facebook will show your ad to the same user again.

Example - Reach Objective
Facebook Objective - Reach



Use this objective to send users to a specific URL. The goal might be to get more visitors on your website, landing page or increase engagement with your App - anywhere outside of Facebook.
Works great for promoting content and blog posts.
With this objective, you can be sure that ads will be shown to people who most likely will click on an outside link.
This objective is great as a top of sales funnel when you are not selling to users but still getting them to your website.

Engage people with your Facebook Page or Facebook Posts using this objective. It will help to get Page likes, boost your posts and get comments, shares, likes and increase event attendance.  Remember high engagement will improve visibility of your Post in your followers’ news feed.
And remember that the Engagement objective is only for promoting specific Posts on a Facebook Page. Because Facebook shows this Post only to users who most likely will Like, Share or Comment it, including website links in these will not bring desired results.

Example - Engagement Objective

Facebook Objectives Example - Engagement


App Installs.
Use this objective if you have an app and your goal is to get more app installs.  In this case, your Ad will be shown to people who more likely will download your app.

Video Views.
Use this objective when you want many people to view your video.  Be aware, if you want to get more clicks to your website and you are choosing a video format for your ad, then you should choose Traffic Objective. Video views objective prioritizes having your video viewed and will be shown to people who most likely will click to play video button.
Remember to include subtitles in your video because more than 80% of Facebook users prefer to turn off the video sound.


Use this objective if your goal is to engage users in conversations and answer their questions. This helps you to understand customers’ needs and offer the best solution for them or help with the last moment decision before buying a product from you.
An interesting fact here is that more and more people prefer Messenger to emails.


Lead Generation.
Use this objective to collect users’ data.  Lead Generation allows you to capture people’s name, job title, phone number or email address right within the ad. Most of the Facebook users don’t like to leave the app and this objective lets you keep users in the app and get their contact information.  Plus Facebook makes it easy for users with autofill information from their Facebook profile.
It’s a great tool when your goal is to get more leads by offering a free eBook, free consultation or free classes, etc.

 Example - Lead Generation Objective

Facebook Objectives - Lead Generation ObjectiveFacebook Objectives - Lead Generation



Use this objective to convert users in a specific action - sales, registration for a course, email list subscription, etc.
Make sure to use Facebook Pixel on your website. The more data you have the more likely you will get sales/sign-ups.
The best results from this objective you will get if you target people who are already familiar with your brand and most likely will make a purchase or do the registration.


Product Catalog Sales.
Use this objective to promote products from your catalog to your targeted audience.
To enable this feature you will need to integrate your product catalog with Facebook and generate your product feed.
This allows you to target people who clicked on certain products but didn’t purchase it. Remind them about the products they were interested in.

Store Traffic.
Use this objective to specifically promote the physical location of one of your multiple stores’ locations to people in the neighborhood. This is a good option for franchises and companies with several locations. Just set up business locations in the Business Manager before you start creating this ad.
Facebook allows you to add map cards in the carousel slide which helps people to understand where are you located in relation to them.

Still have questions? Contact me here or email me and subscribe to newsletters on the bottom of this page to receive future posts on Facebook Ads.